Practically siblings, zucchini, zucchini, patissons, are identical in chemical composition. Which is reflected in their taste qualities. Like all pumpkins, to which they belong, they all have a good set of vitamins and trace elements: C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. Plus, they have an excellent perk in their arsenal: the ability to rid the body of excess moisture. Well, the low calorie content, which is only 18 units in patissons, turns this product into an ideal ingredient for connoisseurs of a slim figure and a healthy lifestyle. By the way, the listed pumpkin seeds also remove cholesterol with salts from the body.
Pattison is most often found in recipes with these five products:
With a tender, not yet roughened skin, the patisson can be added to the dish without peeling. But you need to wash it, even if it is picked in your personal garden. It is good in the form of separate side dishes suitable for meat and chicken. And also as an additional ingredient in a number of dishes: soups, casseroles, goulash, stews.
Question: if he tastes indistinguishable from his closest relatives, then what is his uniqueness? The answer is quite simple: in shape!
The bowl-shaped shape of the squash is ideal for stuffing. You don't even need to cut it for this, as in the case of zucchini. It is enough to cut off the tip and scrape the inside out the way it is done with a pumpkin. You can add anything you like inside: minced meat or chicken, cereals, legumes, mushrooms. Small vegetable sizes are suitable for serving portions, and large ones are suitable for general.
There is also more tender pulp in squash than in squash, free from pits. This makes it the best candidate for pickles and marinades - that is, for homemade preparations. Small, almost young patissons look incredibly beautiful in 3-liter cans surrounded by cherry and pickles.