Composition / ingredients
Step-by-step cooking
Step 1:
Prepare the specified products. For cooking, it is better to use a fresh, not frozen heart. Medium-sized carrots and onions. Tomato paste can be replaced with tomato sauce or tomatoes in their own juice. Salt and pepper to taste, you can use your favorite spices in cooking.
Step 2:
Beef heart should be fresh, odorless, good even color. It should not have thick films, large veins. Wash the heart under running water, dry it. Cut off all fat growths, clean well from blood vessels. Cut the pulp into medium cubes.
Step 3:
Peel and chop carrots and onions. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the slow cooker and fry the vegetables in the "Frying" mode for a few minutes. Add the chopped pulp of the heart to the vegetables.
Step 4:
Fry everything together for a few minutes until the color of the pulp of the heart changes.
Step 5:
Dilute the tomato paste with water and pour into the bowl of the multwark. Water should cover the heart by half. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix everything. Turn on the "Quenching" mode and simmer everything together for about two hours.
Step 6:
The finished beef meat is soft with a dense texture. You can serve this dish with different side dishes - rice, buckwheat, potatoes. We had it with mashed potatoes for dinner. Pickled cucumbers are excellent for offal.
Beef heart is one of the most useful offal of the first category. It has a dark color and dense texture. It takes a long time to prepare the heart. You can cook it like I have in a slow cooker, or you can just boil it.
In ancient times, it was believed that if you eat the heart, you can get rid of heart diseases. I agree with them even now. The heart is very useful, especially for teenagers, athletes and people who need to build muscle mass.
In addition, beef heart has a relatively low calorie content and does not contain carbohydrates.
The iron content in beef heart is twice as high as in the meat itself. There are also a lot of B vitamins, vitamins A, K, C, Ca, P, Na, Zn.
However, with all the benefits of beef heart for children, my children refused this dish.
Caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish
- Onion - 41 kcal/100g
- Carrots - 33 kcal/100g
- Dried carrots - 275 kcal/100g
- Boiled carrots - 25 kcal/100g
- Vegetable oil - 873 kcal/100g
- Tomato paste - 28 kcal/100g
- Salt - 0 kcal/100g
- Heart of mutton - 82 kcal/100g
- Beef heart - 96 kcal/100g