Lettuce leaves for winter

Very simple! Try to bring vitamins to your dishes! Leaf lettuce for winter is a convenient and useful preparation. This method of harvesting is ideal for cooking omelets, vegetable stews or first courses in winter. Lettuce, frozen in sealed bags, retains a significant part of its beneficial properties.
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Composition / ingredients

Translation table of volumetric measures
Nutrients and energy value of the composition of the recipe
By weight of the composition:
Proteins 50 % 1 g
Fats 0 % 0 g
Carbohydrates 50 % 1 g
12 kcal
GI: 100 / 0 / 0

Cooking method

Cooking time: 30 min

Lettuce leaves are an extremely useful product for the human body and a valuable source of folic acid, carotene and vitamin B6. It is used most often fresh for the preparation of various salads. In addition, this product can be consumed without fear for your figure, since it contains a minimum number of calories.

In the winter season, this product is a rare guest on the tables. However, if it is prepared properly and frozen for the winter, you can enjoy its taste and benefits all year round.

So, in order to preserve lettuce leaves for the winter, it is necessary to harvest. For harvesting, only fresh and strong green leaves of medium size should be selected, without visible damaged areas.

Next, lettuce leaves should be thoroughly rinsed under running cold water. It is necessary to wash the leaves well, since there may be some insects or pieces of earth between them. Remove the roots, cut off the rough stems.

Next, before freezing, it is necessary to get rid of excess moisture. Spread the wet lettuce leaves on a clean towel in one layer so that the water is absorbed. You can also lay thick paper napkins - they absorb water well.

After the lettuce leaves are washed and dried, they can be distributed in clean bags and sealed. Special zipper bags that can be bought in almost any hardware store or supermarket department are just perfect. The leaves can also be packed in food foil or put in clean plastic containers. And then put it in the freezer.

Lettuce leaves frozen in this way may lose their original shape during defrosting. Therefore, they are used to make soups, vegetable stews or omelets. For convenience, you can cut the leaves before freezing them.

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Caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish

  • Lettuce leaves - 12   kcal/100g

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