Deep-fried cheese
Composition / ingredients
Cooking method
1. Cut the cheese into square pieces about 1 cm thick, then cut them in half, we get beautiful triangles.
2. Break the egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, beat with a fork.
3. Pour wheat and corn flour into a separate bowl, mix.
4. Pour the breadcrumbs into a deep bowl.
5. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan with a small diameter, send it to the fire.
6. A piece of cheese is breaded in a flour mixture, then dipped in egg batter and transferred to breadcrumbs.
7. We return the cheese to the batter and breadcrumbs again (flour will not be required a second time).
8. Put the pieces of cheese in the hot vegetable oil and fry them for 30 seconds on each side.
Serve on the table only hot with your favorite sauce.
Bon appetit!
Caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish
- Dutch cheese - 352 kcal/100g
- Swiss cheese - 335 kcal/100g
- Russian cheese - 366 kcal/100g
- Kostroma cheese - 345 kcal/100g
- Yaroslavsky cheese - 361 kcal/100g
- Altai cheese 50% fat content - 356 kcal/100g
- Soviet cheese - 400 kcal/100g
- Cheese "steppe" - 362 kcal/100g
- Uglich cheese - 347 kcal/100g
- Poshekhonsky cheese - 350 kcal/100g
- Lambert cheese - 377 kcal/100g
- Appnzeller cheese with 50% fat content - 400 kcal/100g
- Chester cheese with 50% fat content - 363 kcal/100g
- Edamer cheese with 40% fat content - 340 kcal/100g
- Cheese with mushrooms of 50% fat content - 395 kcal/100g
- Emmental cheese with 45% fat content - 420 kcal/100g
- Gouda cheese with 45% fat content - 356 kcal/100g
- Aiadeus cheese - 364 kcal/100g
- Dom blanc cheese (semi-hard) - 360 kcal/100g
- Lo spalmino cheese - 61 kcal/100g
- Cheese "etorki" (sheep, hard) - 401 kcal/100g
- White cheese - 100 kcal/100g
- Fat yellow cheese - 260 kcal/100g
- Altai cheese - 355 kcal/100g
- Kaunas cheese - 355 kcal/100g
- Latvian cheese - 316 kcal/100g
- Limburger cheese - 327 kcal/100g
- Lithuanian cheese - 250 kcal/100g
- Lake cheese - 350 kcal/100g
- Gruyere cheese - 396 kcal/100g
- Vegetable oil - 873 kcal/100g
- Salt - 0 kcal/100g
- Wheat flour - 325 kcal/100g
- Chicken egg - 80 kcal/100g
- Corn flour - 368 kcal/100g
- Whole grain corn flour, unseeded - 355 kcal/100g
- Whole grain corn flour sifted - 362 kcal/100g
- Corn flour from grain with removed germs of vitamin E - 364 kcal/100g
- Corn flour from grain with removed germs nevitaminiz - 364 kcal/100g
- Breadcrumbs - 347 kcal/100g