Maybe not such a delicacy, but useful! And easy to prepare. This is my favorite preparation of pumpkin caviar for the winter!
Zucchini and eggplant caviar are familiar to everyone and are loved by many. Our family has been preparing "pumpkin" caviar for more than one generation. Its taste is not inferior to its "relatives", and with the amazing qualities of pumpkin, this food also becomes very useful. Pumpkin in Russia has always been a valuable and practically irreplaceable vegetable in the diet of every person. The culinary dish with pumpkin occupied one of the main places, both on the festive table and at the usual meal. Now this vegetable is undeservedly forgotten and almost not used. But in vain!
So, we are preparing "healing" caviar.
Nutrients and energy value of the composition of the recipe
By weight of the composition:
11 %
0 %
89 %
29 kcal
0 /
0 /
Cooking method
Cooking time:
2 h
Initially, I wash the vegetables, peel the pumpkin and seeds. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes, chop the onion and tomatoes. The vegetables prepared in this way for cooking are put in a saucepan. Salt and pepper. Put on a small flame and simmer, stirring occasionally, until fully cooked. The caviar, in a hot state, is laid out in sterilized jars, closed, and left at room temperature before it cools down. This dish should be kept cool.
Enjoy the taste and recharge your health!
The caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish