Dumplings with mashed potatoes and fried onions without modeling

Delicious, fragrant super-fast and super-lazy dumplings! Dumplings with mashed potatoes and fried onions without modeling are a great way to attach the remnants of mashed potatoes from lunch and cook a delicious and hearty dinner for the whole family in a matter of minutes. If there is no puree, then it is worth cooking it to cook this delicious dish, unlike ordinary dumplings, the taste of the dough does not prevail over the taste of the filling, they turn out to be light and delicate in taste. Potato dumplings are very well combined with onion frying in butter and sour cream, they turn out very fragrant and delicious.
SnezhanaAuthor avatar
Recipe author

Composition / ingredients

Translation table of volumetric measures
Nutrients and energy value of the composition of the recipe
By weight of the composition:
Proteins 14 % 4 g
Fats 10 % 3 g
Carbohydrates 76 % 22 g
122 kcal
GI: 59 / 0 / 41

Step-by-step cooking

Cooking time: 1 h
  1. Step 1:

    Step 1.

    Prepare the ingredients.

  2. Step 2:

    Step 2.

    If there is ready-made mashed potatoes, then the process of cooking potato dumplings is simplified. If not, then we prepare mashed potatoes. Potatoes are washed, cleaned, cut into pieces (so that the mashed potatoes are cooked faster), boiled in salted water. Drain the water.

  3. Step 3:

    Step 3.

    Salt, pepper the potatoes and make mashed potatoes, let it cool down a little.

  4. Step 4:

    Step 4.

    Drive the egg into the puree, add the butter, mix the mass thoroughly.

  5. Step 5:

    Step 5.

    Add flour to the puree, knead the dough.

  6. Step 6:

    Step 6.

    Sticky dough is obtained.

  7. Step 7:

    Step 7.

    The surface on which we cook, generously sprinkle with flour, spread part of the potato dough (it is better to do this with a spoon so that the dough does not stick to your hands), dip your hands in flour and start rolling a tourniquet from the dough. We cut it into small pieces, form dumplings, of any shape.

  8. Step 8:

    Step 8.

    The shape does not affect the taste, the main thing is to make dumplings of the same size, this is important for the cooking time. Dip them in flour so that they do not stick together and stick to the plate. There is no need to be afraid of flour, the excess will be washed off during cooking.

  9. Step 9:

    Step 9.

    In a saucepan, bring salted water to a boil and dip the dumplings in parts into the water. When they are in the water, gently stir them with a spatula to lift them from the bottom. When all the dumplings rise and the water boils, cook them for 2-3 minutes and take them out with a slotted spoon.

  10. Step 10:

    Step 10.

    Finely chop the onion and fry in butter until golden. We put the dumplings in a frying pan with onion frying and fry them, stirring constantly for 5 minutes.

  11. Step 11:

    Step 11.

    Everything is ready. If desired and to taste, we serve dumplings with sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

Caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish

  • Ripe potatoes - 80   kcal/100g
  • Baked potatoes - 70   kcal/100g
  • Mashed potatoes - 380   kcal/100g
  • Boiled potatoes - 82   kcal/100g
  • Potatoes in uniform - 74   kcal/100g
  • Fried potatoes - 192   kcal/100g
  • Ground black pepper - 255   kcal/100g
  • Butter 82% - 734   kcal/100g
  • Amateur unsalted butter - 709   kcal/100g
  • Unsalted peasant butter - 661   kcal/100g
  • Peasant salted butter - 652   kcal/100g
  • Melted butter - 869   kcal/100g
  • Onion - 41   kcal/100g
  • Wheat flour - 325   kcal/100g
  • Chicken egg - 80   kcal/100g
  • Table salt - 0   kcal/100g

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