Cloudberry jelly

Wonderful and very useful recipe for cloudberry jelly! Jelly can be prepared both from fresh cloudberries and frozen. This vitamin drink is very useful for both adults and children. And most importantly, the jelly turns out to be extremely delicious!
svetikSAuthor avatar
Recipe author

Composition / ingredients

Translation table of volumetric measures
Nutrients and energy value of the composition of the recipe
By weight of the composition:
Proteins 0 % 0 g
Fats 0 % 0 g
Carbohydrates 100 % 11 g
44 kcal
GI: 36 / 0 / 64

Cooking method

Cooking time: 25 min

1. The cloudberries are sorted and washed. We need to rub them through a sieve to get a berry puree.
2. We put the pan on the fire, pour water and pour sugar, wait until the water boils and the sugar crystals dissolve.
3. Pour 100 ml of water into a glass and pour starch, mix and pour into a saucepan. We also add cloudberry puree here and mix it quickly, since lumps can form very quickly.
4. As the jelly begins to thicken, we turn off the fire. When it cools down, it will become even thicker. Our vitamin drink is ready!

Caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish

  • Granulated sugar - 398   kcal/100g
  • Sugar - 398   kcal/100g
  • Starch - 320   kcal/100g
  • Water - 0   kcal/100g
  • Cloudberry - 30   kcal/100g

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