Brown brown rice with mussels in onion sauce
Composition / ingredients
Cooking method
1. While the rice is cooking (about 35 minutes on low heat), pre-washed, the onion needs to be cleaned and cut into half rings, and the peeled garlic - thin petals.
2. Also peel and slice the carrots with a knife or a vegetable peeler or grate them coarsely.
3. Vegetables must be mixed and browned in a frying pan in vegetable oil.
4. The rice will probably be ready by this time, put it in a deep dish.
5. Slide the vegetables in the pan to the side and lay out the mussels. Fry quickly over high heat, add cream, mix everything and bring to a boil.
6. Lay out the rice, add salt, pepper, mix and warm up.
7. Serve with parsley and lemon slices.
Bon appetit!
Caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish
- Buttermilk - 36 kcal/100g
- Cream of 20% fat content - 300 kcal/100g
- Cream of 10% fat content - 120 kcal/100g
- Cream - 300 kcal/100g
- Lemon - 16 kcal/100g
- Lemon zest - 47 kcal/100g
- Carrots - 33 kcal/100g
- Dried carrots - 275 kcal/100g
- Boiled carrots - 25 kcal/100g
- Garlic - 143 kcal/100g
- Ground black pepper - 255 kcal/100g
- Parsley greens - 45 kcal/100g
- Vegetable oil - 873 kcal/100g
- Fried mussels - 59 kcal/100g
- Boiled mussels - 50 kcal/100g
- Salt - 0 kcal/100g
- Onion - 41 kcal/100g
- Brown Rice - 331 kcal/100g