Beef kharcho with walnuts
Composition / ingredients
Cooking method
I wash the beef, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, send it to the fire. Bring to a boil, turn down the heat, cook the broth for one hour. Then add the peppers and bay leaf, continue to cook for another 30-60 minutes.
Wash the rice to clean water, put it in the soup, cook for 15 minutes. During this time, we will prepare the nuts by frying them in a dry frying pan, and then grinding them with a blender (you can use a rolling pin). Wash the cilantro, cut it finely.
In the almost ready kharcho (5 minutes before the fire is turned off), we spread the dressing and nuts, as well as prepared fresh cilantro. We try for salt and adjust to taste.
Close the lid, let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes and you can start tasting.
Bon appetit!
Calorie content of the products possible in the composition of the dish
- Melted beef fat - 871 kcal/100g
- Fat beef - 171 kcal/100g
- Lean beef - 158 kcal/100g
- Beef brisket - 217 kcal/100g
- Beef - okovalok - 380 kcal/100g
- Beef - lean roast - 200 kcal/100g
- Beef shoulder - 137 kcal/100g
- Beef - ribs - 233 kcal/100g
- Beef - ham - 104 kcal/100g
- Beef - tail - 184 kcal/100g
- Boiled ham - 269 kcal/100g
- Beef corned beef - 216 kcal/100g
- Raw wild rice - 353 kcal/100g
- Brown raw rice - 360 kcal/100g
- Boiled brown rice - 119 kcal/100g
- White fortified raw rice - 363 kcal/100g
- White fortified boiled rice - 109 kcal/100g
- White rice, steamed, with long grains raw - 369 kcal/100g
- Steamed white rice, boiled with long grains - 106 kcal/100g
- Instant dry rice - 374 kcal/100g
- Instant rice, ready to eat - 109 kcal/100g
- Fig - 344 kcal/100g
- Walnuts - 650 kcal/100g
- Black Walnut English Walnut - 628 kcal/100g
- Black Persian Walnut - 651 kcal/100g
- Walnut oil - 925 kcal/100g
- Dried ground cilantro - 216 kcal/100g
- Coriander - 25 kcal/100g
- Cilantro, coriander - 25 kcal/100g
- Bay leaf - 313 kcal/100g
- Black pepper peas - 255 kcal/100g
- Salt - 0 kcal/100g
- Water - 0 kcal/100g
- Spices dry - 240 kcal/100g