Pear jam slices with citric acid

Insanely delicious and fast! A recipe for a special jam for the most loved ones! The following culinary recipe will be useful to any hostess in every house! The food is suitable for absolutely everyone who is not allergic to the products used in the process of making the dish. Very tasty jam! It is cooked mainly from not very large pears, as well as not very sweet with dense flesh. It is recommended to select strong pears for jam.
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Composition / ingredients

Translation table of volumetric measures
Nutrients and energy value of the composition of the recipe
By weight of the composition:
Proteins 0 % 0 g
Fats 0 % 0 g
Carbohydrates 100 % 48 g
191 kcal
GI: 10 / 0 / 90

Step-by-step cooking

Cooking time: 2 h 30 min
  1. Step 1:

    Step 1.

    For the recipe you will need pears, sugar, water and citric acid.It is recommended to select strong pears for jam. Medium and small pears are boiled whole, and large ones are cut into slices 2 cm thick or in half.

  2. Step 2:

    Step 2.

    Pears should be washed, dried and peeled from the core, as well as from the peel. Then they should be cut into slices.

  3. Step 3:

    Step 3.

    Put the slices in a saucepan and pour water over them, and cook them until they become soft.

  4. Step 4:

    Step 4.

    Next, you need to prepare a syrup from sugar and water (use water from cooking pears).

  5. Step 5:

    Step 5.

    Then put the pears in the already hot syrup and cook them until fully cooked on low heat. Before the end of cooking, you need to pour citric acid in order for the pear jam to be candied. If desired, at this stage, you can put a few sprigs of cloves and / or cinnamon (about 15 sprigs of cloves per 1 kg of pears and 2 tsp of cinnamon) to taste.

  6. Step 6:

    Step 6.

    The jam is ready! It can be consumed immediately when it cools down. Or pour hot jam from pears into sterile jars, which later need to be rolled up and turned over.

Caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish

  • Pear - 42   kcal/100g
  • Dried pear - 246   kcal/100g
  • Canned pears - 76   kcal/100g
  • Granulated sugar - 398   kcal/100g
  • Sugar - 398   kcal/100g
  • Citric acid - 0   kcal/100g
  • Water - 0   kcal/100g

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