A huge number of dishes of various types are prepared from such dough in Russian cuisine, ranging from pies and buns to cookies, casseroles and even pizza. The simplest option is kneaded with a minimum set of products: flour, egg, cottage cheese, salt and a little sugar. In variations, yeast is also used - for yeast baking or fat - for puff pastry. Moreover, cottage cheese dough is suitable both for desserts and for main dishes - by varying its composition of sugar and components of sweet products.
The Five most commonly used ingredients in Cottage Cheese Dough Recipes:
Product | Calories per 100g | Protein g per 100g | Fats g per 100g | Carbohydrates g per 100g |
Cottage cheese | 156 | 16.4 | 10 | 0 |
Flour | 325 | 12 | 1 | 67 |
Sugar | 398 | 0 | 0 | 99.7 |
Butter | 734 | 0.5 | 82.5 | 0.8 |
Baking soda | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Is the cottage cheese missing? Prepare the curd dough!
The huge advantage of this type of dough is that you can adapt cottage cheese far from the first freshness. If this product is left in the refrigerator, feel free to knead the dough out of it, you will not lose. For a number of its types, sour cottage cheese is preferable. This makes good lazy dumplings and cookies - something that is either boiled or baked. In addition, it is easy to remove excess acid from cottage cheese by soaking it in milk, and then straining it through cheesecloth.
Please note that excess sugar in the curd dough can cause the product to burn if it is fried or baked in the oven. If there is a lot of moisture in the cottage cheese, it is recommended to put it in gauze and hang it over the container for three hours. The drier the better the result.
The Five Fastest Cottage Cheese Dough Recipes:
Dish Name | Cooking time | Calories per 100g | User Rating |
Cottage cheese pie dough with sour cream and cottage cheese | 40 min | 269 | +38 |
Cottage cheese dough for pies | 50 min | 272 | +56 |
Cottage cheese shortbread dough | 1 hour | 322 | +125 |
Cottage cheese dough for cakes | 1 hour | 332 | +34 |
Yeast curd dough with cottage cheese | 2 hours | 271 | +174 |
Tips for cottage cheese dough :
- use dry and fresh cottage cheese for baking
- the dough that needs to be boiled will take a more acidic product
- for more splendor of baking, soak the finished dough in the refrigerator for at least five hours