Surely you have already decided on the types of juicers and bought the best one suitable for all needs. Let's focus on the fact that the electric unit separates the juice from the cake when fruits or vegetables are put into it. And in this way, you can make juice from hard fruits like carrots and from tender ones like tomatoes.
The five most commonly used ingredients in juice recipes for winter through a juicer:
The manual juicer copes with the task more slowly. At least because all actions need to be taken by yourself: turn the handle, remove the cake. But it works just as well. Okay, you can read about these household appliances in another article, and we'll talk about juices.
Most often, housewives harvest apple juice - because many have apple trees in their gardens and there is nowhere to put them in the season, literally. Of course, it is more useful when sugar is not added to the drink, when it remains natural. But, unfortunately, this is not stored for very long. It must be kept in the refrigerator and drunk as quickly as possible.
Therefore, if you are going to prepare juice for the winter, remember that there is no way without sweets. But if the apples are sweet by themselves, then only one hundred grams will be needed for five kilos. And heat treatment will be needed. The liquid is heated to 95 degrees (check on the kitchen thermometer), mixed with sugar. Then it is poured into well-washed bottles (they can be sterilized, or you can wash them with boiled water and soda). And it is hermetically sealed. It is stored in a dark, cool, sunless place.
The same rule applies to other fruits and vegetables. Only now salt is added to vegetable juices along with sugar. The exact proportions will be indicated in the juice recipe through the juicer.
Five of the Lowest Calorie Juice Recipes for Winter through a juicer:
Name of the dish | Cooking time | Calories per 100g | User Rating |
Cucumber juice for winter | 3 hours | 15 | +52 |
Apple and tomato juice for winter | 1 hour 20 min | 31 | +23 |
Carrot juice for winter | 2 hours | 33 | +51 |
Carrot juice for winter at home | 40 min | 34 | +89 |
Tomato juice through a juicer for winter | 5 hours | 37 | +99 |
Another feature of such a blank is this. The squeezed juice itself is very thick and concentrated. Especially if a press is used when cooking it. Therefore, it can be diluted with water to taste before serving. In this case, it is permissible to slightly over-salt and over-sweeten the product.