Sprat dishes: 21 homemade delicious recipe

Sprat is the common name of several species of small marine fish of the herring family. Sprats and sprats belong to sprats. Sprat is extracted on an industrial scale and has an important commercial value. a href="#info" class="read-more"Read on.../a
39 kcal
40 minutes
Sprat soup in tomato sauce with potatoes and rice
Budget, from ordinary products, delicious! Sprat soup in tomato sauce with
35 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Canned tomato soup
Soup in a hurry - it's delicious to eat, it's easy to cook! Canned tomato soup
170 kcal
40 minutes
Sprat salad in tomato sauce sauce
Simple, hearty and even a budget salad will please everyone! Another interesting
41 kcal
1 hour
Cabbage soup with sprat in tomato sauce
Fish version with canned fish - fast and delicious. I have never cooked a fish
119 kcal
2 hours
Borscht with sprat in tomato and beans
Lean red fish soup, very tasty! Despite the fact that it is lean, it is at the
65 kcal
30 minutes
Sprat soup in tomato with vermicelli
Delicious, satisfying, the easiest to prepare! Sprat soup in tomato with
120 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Herring rolls under a fur coat
Surprise the guests by serving herring under a fur coat in the form of rolls! A
146 kcal
25 minutes
Sprat salad
A wonderful salad that is ready to decorate the festive table! koteѼ Recipe
164 kcal
10 minutes
Stuffed eggs with sprat
Simple, fast and delicious, one of the options for stuffed eggs. My husband eats
155 kcal
35 minutes
Stuffed eggs with rolls of lightly salted sprat
An original snack that will win the hearts of your guests! Rolls of lightly
118 kcal
40 minutes
Canned sprat fish soup
Delicious and flavorful soup in a time deficit. Once it seemed seditious to me
93 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Sprat in tomato sauce with tomatoes and carrots
An excellent addition to the main course! In any store you can buy a jar of
192 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Sprat sprats homemade for winter
Economical, simple, delicious! Such sprats are better than store-bought ones at
82 kcal
3 hours
Sprat salad for winter
Unusual preparation of fish and vegetables! A great combination!
191 kcal
2 hours
Fish pie with filling
If you don't get yeast cakes, then this recipe is for you. Taste of the dough A
144 kcal
12 hours30 minutes
Sprat of spicy salting at home
Original, piquant, tasteless, the best! Sprat of spicy salting, made at home,
128 kcal
1 day
Sprat salted at home
Sprat - small, but very smart! Spicy sprat is good for potatoes!
128 kcal
10 hours
Dried sprat in an electric dryer
Dried sprat is sure to appeal to all fish lovers. Svetlaya The author of the
189 kcal
30 minutes
Sprat sandwiches
Prepare a simple and delicious dish - quickly, in a matter of minutes! Sprat
191 kcal
1 hour
Original salad with breadcrumbs and sprat
Is easy to prepare, but it does not prevent it from being delicious and healthy.
