Dishes with cherries - 53 delicious homemade recipes

Dishes with cherries - 54 recipes
59 kcal
10 minutes
Fruit cocktail
Light, nutritious, for the whole family, the most delicious! A fruit cocktail is
67 kcal
10 minutes
Smoothies with kefir
Smoothie with kefir is a simple and healthy treat! Kefir is a healthy fermented
42 kcal
15 minutes
Canapes for children's birthday
Very simple, but a favorite treat for all children! All parents try to make an
97 kcal
20 minutes
Fruit dessert with ice cream salad
Delicious and healthy delicacy of fruit and ice cream! I often want something
83 kcal
20 minutes
Fruit salad with soft cheese
Exquisitely beautiful, extremely tasty and healthy! A very successful
89 kcal
1 hour
Cherries in their own juice for winter
It is cooked very quickly, but it turns out insanely delicious! The period of
169 kcal
18 hours
Cherry jam with a stone for winter. 2 ways
Cherry jam is a reminder of summer in the middle of winter. The first method is
166 kcal
2 hours
Seedless cherry jam for winter
The tastiest, without sterilization, with a summer mood! Cherry jam without
204 kcal
4 hours
Cherry jam
Beautiful thick jam with a noble taste! Cherry jam, perhaps, will make any
155 kcal
3 days2 hours50 minutes
White cherry jam
Delicious jam with unsurpassed taste properties! Have you tried white cherry
200 kcal
3 hours
Cherry jam with lemon slices for winter
Fragrant cherries will remind you of the hot southern shores and warm you in
194 kcal
2 hours25 minutes
Cherry jam for winter
Prepare summer berries. Enjoy their taste and aroma in the cold winter!
113 kcal
1 hour
Cherries in syrup for winter
Enjoy your favorite summer berries at any time of the year! I don't really like
39 kcal
45 minutes
Cherry compote with seeds for winter
To have enough for the winter, you need to harvest more. It's really delicious!
74 kcal
1 hour15 minutes
Cherry compote for winter with vanilla
A bright summer drink with a rich taste, delicious aroma! Cooking compotes is
220 kcal
15 minutes
Salad with cherries and jamon based on Spanish motifs
These are memories of Spain, bright, rich, memorable!!! I brought jamon from
195 kcal
5 hours30 minutes
Cherry pie
The tastiest, bright, fragrant, juicy, simple, affordable! Cherry pie is a
269 kcal
2 hours30 minutes
Naked fruit cake chocolate sponge cake with mascarpone
Fast, simple, very beautiful! Delicious wedding cake!
246 kcal
3 hours
Curly Pinscher Cake
Sponge cake with sour cream and fruit. The name comes from the English word
227 kcal
1 hour
Dessert with fruit and cottage cheese on a flatbread
A great alternative to sweet cakes for tea! Dessert with fruits and berries on a
