Recently, having become an assistant in the fight against cardiovascular diseases and bone diseases, a source of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, phosphorus and potassium, he is gaining increasing interest among Russian supporters of a healthy lifestyle. It began to appear on domestic shelves about 10 years ago and over the years has become accustomed to the range of greens and vegetables familiar to Russians. The rapidly spreading recipes of dishes with celery have proved that with its use it is possible to cook healthy, tasty and quite diverse.
Celery is most often found in recipes with these five products:
This vegetable can be boiled, fried, baked, stewed, added to other ingredients and even eaten as an independent dish. Salads, soups, smoothies, juices, fresh, mashed potatoes, cocktails, caponata, caviar, chowder, appetizer, sauce, casserole and much more are prepared from it. Knowing that he is an aphrodisiac, women do not miss the opportunity to feed their beloved man with him: it works better than love spells and conspiracies. Not only its greens are eaten, but also the stem with roots. Stems and leaves can be eaten raw, the roots are boiled, dried and used as a seasoning.