Dishes with cranberries - 181 delicious homemade recipes

Cranberry berry belongs to the Heather family; in the wild, cranberries grow mainly in the Northern hemisphere. Cranberry's favorite place is swamps and swampy areas. a href="#info" class="read-more"Read on.../a
260 kcal
14 days
Cranberry tincture on moonshine
A drink that needs no introduction. Absolutely natural sweet and sour alcoholic
43 kcal
25 minutes
Canapes pineapple peaches kiwi cranberries
A bright, beautiful and healthy treat for the festive table! Fruit canapes will
198 kcal
15 minutes
Salad with celery, raisins and cranberries
Simple, fast, delicious and low-calorie! I suggest cooking a delicious, healthy
17 kcal
15 minutes
Cranberry juice with honey
Super healthy drink. Be sure to cook!
111 kcal
1 day5 minutes
Vitamin salad
Light vitamin salad with a complex taste! A lot of vitamins and trace elements.
249 kcal
10 minutes
Crushed cranberries sweet
This recipe allows you to save the berries all its vitamins! Mashed cranberry
49 kcal
10 minutes
Sauerkraut with cranberries and apple
Vitamin explosion in one plate! It will increase immunity in winter.
202 kcal
15 minutes
Cranberries with cream and honey
Vitamin dessert that will give you a lot of positivity. Lily Recipe author
169 kcal
1 hour
Marmalade with gelatin at home
Natural delicious marmalade is easy and simple to make at home. For several
26 kcal
20 minutes
Compote of fresh fruits and berries
The most delicious, for the whole family, holiday every day! Compote of fresh
35 kcal
1 hour
Cranberry compote
A very useful drink to boost immunity. Preparation of cranberry compote will not
47 kcal
3 hours40 minutes
Aspic from walleye with gelatin
Aspic is always festive, and most importantly - fast. Cold appetizer of a
26 kcal
3 hours30 minutes
Berry jelly with gelatin from frozen berries
Berry jelly made from frozen berries is beautiful and delicious! Berry jelly
185 kcal
1 day
Cranberry jam from cranberries
Fragrant cranberry jam for a family tea party! A classic recipe for delicious,
29 kcal
30 minutes
Cranberry jelly
Very tasty, nutritious and healthy drink! Jelly is a great breakfast drink for
41 kcal
30 minutes
Frozen cranberry compote
Very tasty and healthy cranberry drink! Cranberries are considered a medicinal
244 kcal
30 minutes
Cranberry mousse with semolina
Treat yourself and your friends with this healthy sweet and sour dessert! The
155 kcal
45 minutes
Salad with raisins cheese and walnuts
A simple but delicious salad made from available ingredients! Beetroot salad
109 kcal
40 minutes
Beetroot soup mashed beetroot
Delicate creamy beetroot soup with a pleasant taste! Beetroot soup will be
165 kcal
1 hour
Salad cheese potatoes eggs with mushrooms
Simple, delicious and very popular salad! There are many recipes for salad with
